We have 179 Logan County mineral acres that we are thinking about selling. Does anyone know what they are selling for in Logan County? Who is buying?
It has a lot to do with where you are in Logan Co.
Are they currently leased?
I have heard them seen and heard them selling anywhere from $800-$2,200/acre depending on where they are located and how many acres are involved.
Do you mind telling how much you leased them for? I'm assuming to Sendero/Osage Exploration?
If you can pull this up it will show who has bought in your section
If you want to answer my friend request I will give you my # and walk you through it.
by brannon land?
many people, and companies are buying
you can get more by selling to a person
Contact Nikki Leach in Perry. He is an oil and gas attorney, and will help you get the most for your minerals. Last offer I had was 2800 per acre
i get offers in mail,about once a week for 1500
Give me a call at 918-633-3525 I would be happy to answer any questions you may have, and will gladly point you to the firms that are paying the most for nma at any given time. But you may also just consider selling a portion and not all of your rights.
Want is the section ,township and range
this post is 2 months old
How much do you want for them?