Hello! So, a few weeks ago me and my sisters all received a phone call from a place called High Sky holdings in Texas concerning mineral rights to two wells, ( leases?)… Anyhow I started to really dig in ( had to do my due diligence, am I right?) but hit several road locks along the way, I was hoping someone on here could help me figure out if these two wells are still producing, what they have produced and maybe come up with an estimate of how much they may have kicked into a suspended account - I found an account with $6000 in it… I don’t know how to navigate the tools on that website … I need someone with some finesse, some ‘kung fu’ if you will… Please, I will provide whatever information you need, just tell me what it is that you need.
Welcome to the forum. We can’t help unless we know the names of the wells/leases. Which website are you on? Be cautious who you share info with. If you provide the well names, we can give you the history and the operator. Deal directly with them. Or if you are on the state Treasurer’s office deal with them.
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