Hello Everyone
; I am George S. Riddle , Chairman for The National Association of Mining Districts, and Inter Governmental Liaison for States Mining Districts. Recently , we have participated in precedent setting Legislation and Pro-Mining collaboration with the highest Levels of anyone or committee, in getting results that will forever change the strangulating process every mine owner has faced in the past , to get into production on their mining claims.
Our freedom to Organize ourselves comes from the 1872 Mining Federal Statues. This is not a club, association or prospectors fraternity . It is a Sovereign United States Agency , operating from the very basis of real time information from the people and companies that own a mining claim. There are many hundreds of dormant Historical Mining Districts throughout the United States, and right now many are following the methods to legally re-activate their individual Districts and a formidable pro-mining legislative constituency is being heard for the 1st time in over a 100 years. As Americans, we can and will , re-invent ourselves to become an example to the world as a leader of productivity from it minerals potential, which has been intentionally muted by 'Un-American' elements that are here among us , to kill, not create jobs. I have been introducing real solutions that will help the mining community get permits to mine faster and easier.
The only reason I speak out here, is that if you are not aware of the fight I am politically winning for the mining community , just ask. I have been actually busy doing the work, instead of drawing attention to me personally, but I have informed some major mining companies and they are joining in unity in these efforts, which benefit everyone.