Missing Links in Chain of Title, North Dakota, What Do I Do?

I will try to keep this short.

An unscrupulous land company defrauded the court petitioning the court for an emergency unlocatable mineral owner trust in my deceased fathers name and claiming they could not find my father or his heirs, although they were in contact with me and had a lease my brother executed, along with a proof of death and heirship form, and had recorded a memorandum of said lease from my brother.

We kept absolutely everything and it was a very embarrassing situation for the land company, the lawyer petitioning the court and the court itself.

Now to the meat of the problem. We settled the suit against the land company and now the recording of the petition for the trust and the recording of the order granting of the trust have disappeared without, to the best of my knowledge, an order voiding the trust.

Checking the electronic online records where I had always found the documents before, I couldn't find them. I found where they USED to be and it says Grantor: Void. Grantee: Void. Document type: Void

So now we have a slew of releases of leases, from oil company to oil company, from oil companies to unscrupulous land company, from unscrupulous land company to the County Treasurer who was the trustee, but NOTHING to show how or why there was a trustee in the first place. There are one or two totally missing links in our chain of title.

I had always thought that recordings affecting the chain of title remained and if something needed to be modified, it was done by adding a new recorded document, not by deleting the embarrassing documents?

I have not dug into the pile of paper but I'm sure I have copies of the recorded documents downloaded and printed. I have my hand on copies of the petition and the order granting the unlocatable mineral owner trust in my fathers name, Civil No. 29-08-C-127.

I have a notion that these missing links could be bad for our chain of title, if not today, then in my children or grandchildren's day? What do I do?

If you know the file number and page of the recorded documents, I would sure be calling the recorder's office, and I would think it is a recorder staff member error. And, you could record your old documents again. I would think taking anything off the records would be illegal!

Very interesting indeed. Amazing how frequent unscrupulous practices are.

Good suggestion. What is a recorder staff member's error is anything that was listed by omission or commission (e.g. fraud upon the court).