Mitchell County, TX - Oil & Gas Discussion archives

Perhaps I haven’t been keeping up but where is the “Scharlach location”?

George, here is a pdf of Google Earth for three sites south of I-20.


Toni, just for verification, does the pin on Scharlach seem correct?

Can you post the link, please?

This one should work.

Yes it is.

Is there any news on the Cline wells in Mitchell? Devon, Laredo & FireWheel? THe last thing I read was around December 1.

Thanks, by the way, for all the commentary.

New Permit:

Devon-McGee Sec. 28 Block 27 T&PRR survey

                   9000ft. horizontal with lateral bore south into sec 33.


    Devon, 7 permits since July 20th 2012.  One well drilled and fracked, (no production reports)  0ne well currently being drilled.

   Loredo: Two permits,  One horizontal currently being drilled, one vertical drilled.

     Firewheel:  One permit, well drilled and fracked but no production report.

  It  appears Devon is the company that has come to play in Mitchell Co.

Beginning to move in the rig on the Wulfjen Location. Big generators, all kinds of trailers.

Cheryl I was just thinking exactly the same thing.

Michael, you might try calling Laredo Petroleum directly. Also, did you use an attorney for your lease? Call and discuss with them. Best of luck to you Michael.

Diana - Sun Tzu said “Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak", “If you are many, make them think you are few and if you are few, make them think you are many”, and “If the oil is flowing nicely and you don’t want to pay higher lease rates, make them think they are dry holes”. I may have misquoted one of these… :slight_smile:

Anything a landman tells you, take it with a 25# block of salt, unless you hired them, they certainly don’t have your best interest at heart. They don’t consider it untruth, it’s salesmanship.

There are no production reports because the railroad commission website is always a few months behind realtime. The best place to check will be the completion reports on the TRRC website. There were no horizontal completions reported for Mitchell County late last week, but Sterling County has some good wells.

Hey BP good to see you on here…hope it is the right BP

Toni, I know this exciting for y’all. Thanks for sharing the excitement with those of us who are waiting and hoping.

I am thinking the Centurion pipeline will serve as a transportation line for the WHOLE county. That will be really nice!

My family teases that I am obsessed with MRF. So that must mean they all read it too, to make that comment. Heh, heh…

You are very kind Robert and Gary. Posting new information is fun. I just happen to live here, and I know you would do the same if you were here and I wasn’t. If I find out something that I think certain individuals have more interest in, I try to post it to your page.

Wish I had news on the Wallace or Scharlach.

Mr. Everett heard today that work continues on Vic Adoue’s (Thompson Ranch) river crossing and road. The river crossing is narrow, the banks are steep. They are having to knock down the banks on either side of the crossing to allow something as large as the derrick to pass through.

j richardson, appreciate your summary below and posting about the Devonites new permit! Estimated date for drilling that one is March.

Everyone have a good evening. There has been a cold rain here all day, THE BEST WEATHER ever! I LOVE winter. Toni

Does anyone know the reason for no production reports?

Had a phone call from Centurion, who bought what used to be an AMOCO pipeline that runs north and south through our area. They were wanting to come on site to do some testing and repair of the 10" steel line which runs through Concho, Sterling, and Mitchell Counties. The gentleman said they will be gathering oil and sending it to China Grove. He said Centurion is associated with Oxy-Magellan, as their transportation department. Nice…

I have had no luck getting Wade Stevens with LMD to answer any of my phone calls or emails. I supposedly leased some rights to him last May and have not received a dime. Does anyone know how to get in touch with Wade? Thanks in advance.