Oil & gas discussion group for those interested in Montague County, TX. Share your experience regarding lease bonus, royalty rates, drilling activity, and oil & gas news.
I manage some acreage for a large mineral owner with acreage in the SE portion of the county. I got an offer of $300/acre and 3/16 from Pioneer but am turning it down because the lease conditions are so one sided and not worth fighting over to make them right. EOG has permitted a horizontal well in the Barnett a short distance to the south so I've decided to see how that well comes out before leasing to anyone. My clients are in for the long term and want to protect royalty potential.
The group's input is awesome. Kenny, thanks for setting it up.
How do I find out if any one is drilling now or in the past on some property my grandmother has.All I have is a survey name and #.
I just signed a consent to siesmic testing around Amon Carter Lake. Any idea on activity there?
I am looking forward to being part of this group and hope that we all prosper from Montague County.
Cynthia: The way I did it was to call the county seat and ask who could tell me the location of the property based on the survey number. They gave me the phone number of a company that kept up with locations. I believe it was a private company. This company, just like the county seat, was most helpful and gave me the boundries based on the roads in Montague County. From there I found it on google. I knew there had been drilling activity before. Then we drove out to view the whole survey area and observed new activity. I have no idea how our area within that larger area faired. Hope this helps.
To Mr. Maness
Amon G. Carter Lake was built on property taken from my family by Right Of Eminent Domain by the state of Texas. I used to ride a horse on what is now the bottom of the lake. Over the years there have been many wells dug in that area. We have some there that have been producing for more than 20 years. It's a good area.
Finally and Thanks! At last I was able to get my Affidavit filed, recorded, volumed and paged. I hope I will get my money soon!
Thanks everyone for helping me out. Montague County is DONE! Now it's on to Jack and Wise!
Well, I was wrong... Now there's more division orders and papers. None of this is easy!
Thanks for all the help everyone. I finally got A check. In my name. It only took almost 10 months!
Good for you Patty. No check but at least I finally got an answer on my questions as to why. Since I do not live in the area I used Ken at http://royaltyownerreport.com/. He was very helpful and I recommend him for anyone who has unanswered questions.
To Help try sending e mail to ELLEN_KLIMENKO@EOGResoures.com with the name of well and info.on the tax statement you were sent. Also there is a landman working for EOG by the name of Joey Shelton who mignt be helpful. 1-903-312-2857 hope they can help.
Mr. Byrd. Our wells in Montague County, Lama A and Lama B units started production in Jan/Feb this year and we just received the D.O. for both just a couple of weeks ago. The initial production checks followed a week later (surprising). We finally found someone at EOG in the Houston office that was a big help in getting us the information we needed. Try contacting Lisa Cook at lisa_cook@eogresources.com. As a Staff Title Analyst she handled our wells during the process. What I did learn is that sometimes the paperwork gets held up in the Ft. Worth office before it is sent to Houston. It should not matter to us where it is but Lisa was very helpful to keep us posted as to a timetable. All that said we are still waiting on another D.O. from a similar production time??? Try to contact her…it certainly would not hurt! Good Luck! Mike
Any one have any information or numbers on re-leasing bonuses in a proven area?
Bonus numbers are all over the place depending on pre-permits, permits, drilling and recent completions to say nothing for mistakes leasing agents may have made with title takeoffs. With all the activity in the county, you should take some time to research your individual area.
Any suggestions for researching my area? Other than come right out and ask people "Well, now that you have a producing well, how much did you re-lease for? "
Mr. Hutchinson, what is there to keep a company from doing a forced pool since you are holding out? Also, where are you physically located? I really appreciate you knowledge.
Also, I've head that some of the leasing bonuses have been $500+ in the area with a two year lease and 25% royalty. So that is why I am interested in knowing what others have received for leasing bonuses.
OOPS - I do my thinking in separate thought processes. If as many people would share their bonus rates and terms, then we could come to an average for the area.