I hope this is info in in order. Since getting a phone call for an offer to lease my farm I have spent a number of hours researching this subject on the web. One of the ffirst things I read was "know who you are dealing with", with advice to do a Google seardh. So I did. I could find no record of the gentle4man that called, the phone number he left was (via a reverse search) in the name of someone else in New Mexico. I googled the company he said he worked for (Schowald), found nothing except an address in Okla. City. I google the company he said he was leasing for (zypher in Okla. Cith) found almost nothing except an address. The gentleman that calld did send me a lease form under the name of Showalt Land Inc.
I have thus become suspecious of the whole deal, I have learned thata number of farmers in the area have leased to the same folks for essentially the same terms being offered to me.
Does anyone have any information of Showalt Land or Zypher?
As per your directions your farm is 1 1/2 miles from me but I'm not sure of which 1/4 section your in. I know someone is leasing a mile south and 1/2 mile west of there but don't know which company. I visited with the landowner on Wednesday. They are getting 200 ac. 3/16 for 5 year lease.
My 160 is the NE corner (NE 29-3S-18W). That is the offer I received (Schonwalt Land Inc). All the advise I am getting says 5 years too long, try for 3 + 1/4 royalty, so that is what I am going to try and negotiate. I am also concerned that these folks are just speculators and who knows when they will settle with an exploration company.
Craig Gaines said:
As per your directions your farm is 1 1/2 miles from me but I'm not sure of which 1/4 section your in. I know someone is leasing a mile south and 1/2 mile west of there but don't know which company. I visited with the landowner on Wednesday. They are getting 200 ac. 3/16 for 5 year lease.
The Dub Brown place. Yes I'm very familiar with this farm. Farmed the 80 west of it for years. I'll do some checking around with the other land owners in that area and see if they have had any activity.
That is correct. Gant rents it now. FYI Dub passsed away about 3 weeks ago. Will appreciate any information. Schonwalt sent me a lease form a couple of weeks ago and have not been contacted again. Guess they are in no hurry. I contacted Fulcrum Oil Co., said they would be interested but all the land around my place is already leased.
Craig Gaines said:
The Dub Brown place. Yes I'm very familiar with this farm. Farmed the 80 west of it for years. I'll do some checking around with the other land owners in that area and see if they have had any activity.