Looking for some information on a Primexx well Neches Unit 178-179W 1H in Block 13 Sections 178/179. Our estate interest is in section 179. I noticed on the RC web site map that it is a shut-in well. To my knowledge it was drilled back in the early fall 2017 but never fracked.
Mel, RRC is showing they approved a completion report on that well on 4/13/18 but it was "Well Record Only", not test results, and at the end says the well hasn't been completed. Only thing else shown there is a cementing report Primexx signed 3/15/18. Looks like they are still working on it.
Mel, there are a passel of Primexx wells in that part of Reeves that are shut-in, with no production info. We have mineral rights in your general area and try to keep an eye on what's going on around us. Primexx seems to shut-in all of their wells, at least around there. No idea why.
Mel....Primexx is drilling a lot of wells east of FM2448 north of CR310 on Ivan Hurd's land (2 sections).
They even drilled a couple of Saltwater Disposal wells in that cluster. They put the produced oil and gas lines together and proceeded due north to a recompressor station on CR331...dunno which section but
it's in Block 13. I don't think they have a crude oil line in place yet, but they are building an oil gathering web of lines from their producing leases to CR331 east to where it joins CR112/Barilla Road over to Hwy 285 and then east of the new crude oil plant in Pecos county near the Gomez Valero plant.