Need help figuring out who is looking to drill and pooling Section 22-16N-07W Kingfisher, OK

I have recently been receiving purchase offers between $6500-$10,000 per mineral acre for my small (.50) acres in Section 22-16N-07W Kingfisher, OK (STACK). It is currently leased by Core Resources, who I do not think is a direct operator since 2017, and we have not received any royalty payments.

I am trying to value the current offers against a dcf model for production.

  1. I cannot seem to find any information from the large drillers on who is looking to drill on or near my rights. I see alot of the companie have wells going up in the STACK, but how do I link a specific well or future well to my mineral rights?

  2. I cannot find information on how to calculate pool size or even who is looking to pool my land.

  3. How would I even get paid if my lessee is not a direct operator? Do these companies sublease out my lease?

These companies are hungry to buy my rights, so I need to model the true economic worth.