Need to get a physical address or location of gas wells

Freestone County, TX I need to get a physical address or location of (I believe) two wells. Any help is most appreciated. Thank you.

Owner ID: 28253 Parcel ID: 700335 Geographic ID: 0028253-1-0083081 Lease No.: 83081 Lease Name: LAMB-A-(01)

Parcel ID: 702798 Geographic ID: 0028253-1-0083704 Lease No.: 83704 Lease Name: LAMB-A-(03)

Hi @JamesT57, Looks like those wells are located in Freestone County, A-479, or the WW Nichols survey. Lamb (A) - 1 is API 42-161-32257 at Latitude 31.505N Longitude 96.135W. (RRC Lease 191503) Lamb (A) -3 is API 42-161-32738 at Latitude 31.501 N Longitude 96.136W (RRC Lease 204508)

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