New and Confused about Selling Mineral Rights in McClain County Oklahoma

I own mineral rights to six and half acres in McClain County Oklahims. Several of my family members own the rights to adjoining property. An oil company made us all an individual offer, paid several family members for there acres to lease, when I called 30 days after I sent my paperwork to them I was told that they had stopped buying the rights when they got to mine and a few other family members? Now I don’t know what to do? I would be interested in selling my rights but have no clue who to contact or, after this even if this is just a wild goose chase? I would appreciate any advice anyone may have as to what oil company is legitimate that I could contact? Thanks in advance!

What is the legal description? When in doubt, do nothing.

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17-6N-3W McClain County

Join the McClain Co. group and ask there. Be sure to give the legals. Also read the posts to get an idea about what is going on in that area.