New Leasing activity

I haven’t every received any check from Roger Mills, then in the last 2 months, I have been offered big lease deals for this Section Township Range. in Roger Mills for SEC 7-15N-23W

I’m wondering if there is a new discovery or potential new big discovery in this area. What other activity is there and how much potential is it?

We got offered a 3 year lease for $1,850 per net mineral acre. Is that a good offer?


Welcome to the forum. Suggest that you read through the Roger Mills threads to get caught up on activity

The bonus offer goes with a royalty, so the $1850 without the royalty (such as 3/16ths) is not very helpful. I always ask what they are offering for 1/5th and 1/4. I would rather have the highest royalty as the bonus is insignificant compared to the royalties from one or more horizontal wells.

There is a horizontal well drilling or about to drill just a mile away from you. That is why you are getting offers. Crawley, Upland and Mewbourne are active in the area drilling for the Cherokee. There is a lot of potential, so proceed carefully.

If you have not leased for a while, you need to have a good oil and gas attorney review the draft lease as it is not in the mineral owner’s favor and needs significant edits. The Mineral Help tab at the top is a good reference as is the following.

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Hi, I’m curious if anyone has lease offers for section 2-13N-23W and 35-14N-23W. Crawley just completed the horizontal spacing required for the state of Oklahoma. I got lease offers about a year ago but decided to wait till they got the pooling approval. They want to drill a well into the Cherokee formation. I’ve looked but can’t find any good information about this formation.

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Welcome to the forum. If you are on LinkedIn, do a search for Cherokee Shale with a posting from TenOaks Energy. No affiliation, just a good article.