To those here that know more. What happens to an ORRI in New Mexico that is with BLM land? My understanding of leases that also have an ORRI for some, the ORRI is only enforce while the lease is Active and Producing or HBP? Once those are “NOT” in place, then the ORRI expires, unlike other Royalty interest which the lease holder owns in perpetuity ( as long as the taxes are paid ) or sells the minerals to someone else. Does this apply to New Mexico and BLM land? MK
Not sure of your specific curiosity here but the BLM and SLO (State Land Office) do execute leases and the lessees of those leases can burden their revenue by retaining and/or conveying over-riding royalty under the leases. There are various limitations when working with BLM/SLO leases but generally speaking their leases can have an ORRI. You are correct in that the ORRI can expire as it is a burden on the leasehold revenue which would expire when the lease(s) are no longer in effect/expire. Does this help?
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Yes ,thank you for your response to this. It answers my question. Again many thanks. MK