I just received a letter offering to buy or lease Sec. 23 - 15S - 36E .
Ace Energy out of Dallas. Chase Lake
Does anyone have any experience with them?
I just received a letter offering to buy or lease Sec. 23 - 15S - 36E .
Ace Energy out of Dallas. Chase Lake
Does anyone have any experience with them?
I don’t know him personally. 2nd hand experience: he made an offer on X to another person here and followed through with the offer when I figured he would bail, so I guess that is a moderately good sign. Offer was ok, not fantastic, but ok.
Idk about calling your company Ace Energy though.
Matador permitted a 3 mile Strawn I think test just to the East of you, I’d guess somebody just hoping that works and your section gets developed.
Thanks for the help. I will let you know how it turns out.
Is the Strawn in Eddy county deposited as a resource play lamina or are the productive areas discrete mounds which happen to line up in the case of Matador’s permitted well?
I don’t know. I would assume it’s like a reef. Continuous and parallel to old shoreline but not ubiquitous. But…I try not to pretend I am a geologist for obvious reasons (i.e. so I can make fun of geologists).
Thanks. I noticed the map you shared has several vertical wells in two sections
PS Ace is better than Deuce
Luke, we received an offer to lease from Ace recently on Township 16S Range 37E Section 7, which is in the same area as your offer. What have you done or heard from them since your post? They are offering $400 per acre bonus and 20% royalty for three years, with 2 year extension option with 100% of original bonus. Not sure how good these terms are. I think there is some activity in this area, but not sure of that. Perhaps, NMollboy can confirm.
Carl, I have hired a landman to look over my rights. I will let you know what they find. Matador drilled the well next to us. This forum does not allow me to give you my email address or phone number, so we need to come up with a way to get in direct contact with each other.
I will find a way to contact you direct. By the way, are you related to Ben Alexander?
Carl, Check your Facebook account. I posted you a message, if that is you.
I don’t believe that I am related to Ben, but there were 7 Alexander brothers who came over from Scotland so he may in in a different Alexander line.
Hi Luke,
My mother received a lease offer from a different company in another area where Matador has several wells on adjacent property. I’m wondering how it went with the landman you hired. How much did that cost and what were any main things they pointed out on the lease where you said “wow, glad I hired you to know that one”
Any feedback on things to consider in the process based on your experience so far greatly appreciated!
PS were you able to lock in a deal already or still working on that? And if you did were there any specific things that stood out to you that you changed on the lease thanks to the advice of the landman?