New to mineral rights - is there anything I need to do?

Before my grandmother passed away, she transferred her North Dakota Mineral Deed into my name. There is no drilling on the land, but I want to make sure everything is on the up-and-up to ensure it stays in my name so that it doesn’t become “abandoned.”

I have been told North Dakota has a dormant mineral act, so want to make sure my bases are covered.

Does anybody know what needs to be done, if anything? TIA!

Contact the register of deeds in the county where the minerals are located. You’ll need to file a document claiming the minerals. If you haven’t filed a new deed do that too. They can send you the form(s). That has to be done at lease every 20-years in ND.

Ask the recorder of deeds for the requirements for a “Statement of Claim of Mineral Interest”. When I did it, the had very particular standards for the margins, size of paper, etc. I sent my check and a request for a certified copy for my records. I also enclosed a self-addressed stamped envelope for their convenience.

Here is the form in pdf that is more recent, but check with the recorder for their exact form.
statementclaim.pdf (114.5 KB)

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