New well activity in McClain Co OK

Hello to all. I would like to say that I read the Forum just about every week and appreciate all of the knowledge in the responses to the questions.

My situation is this: our family has property in McClain County OK that has a producing well and we are currently receiving royalties from Oventive for the production. Our oil royalties are located in two sections. The first is Section 33, Township 7 North, Range 4 West, in the IM. The second property is located in Section 4, Township 6 North, Range 4 West of the IM.

I received documents from Warwick-Jupiter LLC requesting from the CCO for an increased density in Section 32. They are asking the CCO to allow them to drill two wells in this section. The Cause Number is 2024-001799.

In a separate action, Warwick-Jupiter LLC is asking to drill a multiunit horizontal well into both sections. The request for the multiunit well did not have a cause number listed.

The question I have for the Forum will Warwick-Jupiter LLC need to generate new leases for this activity or will they be allowed to piggyback off the existing lease(s)?

Thanks in advance for your responses.


I doubt that new leases will be required. The increased density filing means they want to drill additional wells in the same producing formation so your current lease is still in effect from the original well(s).

The Ovintiv well in 33 is Roath 1H-33X It is a north south well from 33 into sec 4 to the south. You may or may not own minerals in both sections.

Case 2024-001799 is for section 33 for increased density to drill two more infill Woodford wells. They are also going to drill at lease one Mississippian well.

Case 2024-001801 (see the very top of the page) is for another horizontal well into 33 & 4 330’ from the west line. Roath 0704 33-4 1WHX-See “W” for Woodford

Case 2024-001805 (see the very top of the page) is for another horizontal well into 33 & 4 1320’ from the west line. Roath 0704 33-4 3MHX-See “M” for Mississippian reservoir. The well in the middle of the section.

Case 2024-001813 (see the very top of the page) is for another horizontal well into 33 & 4 330’ from the east line. Roath 0704 33-4 2WHX-See “W” for Woodford. East side of the section.

Your existing lease remains in place.

M Barnes – Thank you for the information on new wells proposed in Sections 33/4. I’m a royalty owner in Section 4 6N4W, so this is welcome news. I also have minerals in Section 3 6N4W, and receive royalty payments for the Runyan well. I understand there’s an inceased density proposed there as well. Can you provide the same information for it.

If your address has not changed, you should receive the information in the mail for the coming increased density. Warwick-Bacchus LLC just filed a bunch of cases on June 25. The hearing is on the 30th. Looks like three more wells.

M Barnes,

Thank you for all your help. I did receive a notice from Warwick-Bacchus LLC on the wells proposed for Sections 3 and 4, but I failed to read them closely and missed the additional wells being proposed. I’ve had some health issues and have not paid attention to these matters as I should have. Can you refresh my memory as to the website where I can monitor production on wells? I seem to remember that it was an Oklahoma Tax Commission website. Again, I appreciate all of your help.

Sorry to hear you have not felt well. Prayers for improvement!

The Tax Commission will give production, although a few months late.

Quick question regarding operators within sections. If Ovintiv drilled and controls the mineral interests in these sections how do other operators get permits do drill in these areas? Is Ovintiv putting up some of the capital and splitting the risk with these other operators on property which they believe is outside there primary focus?

We have mineral rights in 06N 04W, Sections 2 & 11. Any information on activity spreading East. We have not recieved and documents in the mail yet.

I used to be able to get Permit and Completion reports from Oklahoma Energy Today. They have not been providing this information since last September. Is there another site that provides these reports?

Thank you for any information you can provide.

I received documents for both an additional well in McClain S36, 7N, 4W and for a multi-unit horizontal well in S25 and S36, 7N, 4W and S1, 6N, 4W (2024-001941).

Would the new multi-unit well bring leases or be covered under existing leases?

Thank you for any advice.

It would depend upon each owner’s situation. Since sections 25/36 are already held by production by the Goshorn 1H-24XX horizontal well (Woodford), then most folks would be held by those leases or pooling order (if the reservoir is the same). If the reservoir is new, then some people may have to be addressed by a new pooling order or lease. If the cases you are talking about are for increased density in the Woodford, then the current lease and pooling orders in the Woodford are still in place.

Section 1-6N-4W is held by the Hedrick 1H-1XX well. (Woodford) Same thing.

Existing leases. Your interest is either leased or subject to Pooling Orders that covered the Woodford formation that is producing in the current 2 wells.

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The Oklahoma Corporation Commission has the permits and completions. Note that wells are filed by their surface location, so may not be on your exact tract.

Warwick-Bacchus has new cases for increased density on your west in sections 3 & 10. Warwick-Jupiter has new cases for increased density on your east in sections 1 & 12. Your operator is Ovintiv, so nothing new from them yet. They will probably get around to it or let Warwick take over operatorship for them.

Excellent post! Very informative.

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