Trying to figure out how all this works just inherited and can’t really find recent news on surface and mineral rights. I probably am looking in wrong places would appreciate if somebody could point me into the right direction. Trying to understand tracts and leases for example what does sec 24 town 28.00 rng 52 NE mean or is Fort Worth operating co. reliable company. Also I have noticed ranges above 57+ is where there is drilling and not on properties 53 & below there is not, why is that? If these questions could be briefly explained that would be much appreciated. It’s kinda hard to interpret info through the internet when there is not a lot of understanding from the user. Plus I don’t live in the state of Montana to be able to go to a office to help me to understand all this. The example is from a property in Roosevelt County.
Hello. I am fairly new to this also, but thought I could possibly give you a little information as it looks like no one else has chimed in yet. It looks like you are trying to understand the legal description. What your are looking at is section 24 in Township 28 North Range 52 East. You will see more drilling on ranges over 57 as that is the western edge of the Bakken formation (as it is known at this point - I believe the known boundaries have been expanding). To see what is happening in this area, you can go to the Montana Board of Oil and Gas website and look at the GIS data which maps out wells (among other things). Here is the link: You can zoom in to see the township, range, and section and look for any activity in your area. I am sorry but I don't have any knowledge of Forth Worth Operating Company. I have mineral rights in southeastern Montana, and there is not much activity in my area yet, so still waiting and hopeful of a possible lease someday. Good luck! Hopefully you will get some additional info from someone else more knowledgeable than me.