Newly Permitted BPX Wells in Reeves County Texas

My wife and I own mineral rights in Reeves County, Texas. The rights are in Section 65 - W.M. Holder s.f. 8012; Section 66-W.M. Holder s.f. 8013; and Section 67-W.M. Holder s.f. 8014, Reeves County. This is right along the county line with Culberson.

Currently there are two BPX wells: Hudson 0-66X67 on the east side and State Crimm 0-65 on the west side of the area. Ten new permits have been issued under the Hudson0-66X67 name. It looks like 4 pads will be located in the north of Section 66. Two pads have new permitted wells going to Section 46 to the north, and two pads appear to have new permitted wells going to the south in Sections 66 and 67.

Can anyone help me understand what type of wells these will be? It appears that most are Wolfcamp and at least one is Bone Spring? How will these be drilled and structured?

Thanks for any help you can send my way!

They say 5 WC and 5 BS, but I never really pay much attention to that until they drill them and there are drill surveys and I can see where they landed the wells. But maybe not everyone can see the surveys.

Unsure what “drilled and structured” means specifically. If they drill 5 WC and 5 BS, I assume the WC wells will be in the Wolfcamp A and the BS wells will be in the 3rd Bone Sand (i.e. not much vertical separation, thus all drilled at once) in a staggered manner across the mile or so of width. Most producers around there are upper Wolfcamp.

Rig is currently in Sec 66 drilling the State Silverado wells that head north.

In short, this seems very good for you. The wells should be solid and you’d guess the rig will stay here and drill up your wells also.

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Thank you very much! The info on where a rig is currently, as well as the likely formation information helps my wife and me understand a bit more about this. We are reading up on the various pay levels and formations.

The stick figures above just show the surface location and the bottom hole location with a dotted line in between. The actual paths of the wells will look more like cigars in a box with the wells lined up in parallel to get the benefit of maximum drainage.

Thanks for the info you posted earlier in December. I subscribe to Enverus’ EnergyLink. They showed a rig on the Silverado State pads all fall. It is no longer shown there. Do you think they drilled the permitted wells on all 4 pads shown? I don’t have a subscription to anything that would show it the wells are DUC, or not.

Thanks for any info you can provide!

They drilled all the wells on the State Silverado pads (i.e. going north). Didn’t drill the wells on the Hudson pads (going south into your acreage). Rig is gone.

BP has 67 permits approved in Reeves. They are running 4 rigs. In last 12 months they averaged 4.1 rigs running and drilled exactly 100 horizontal wells. I figured they would just slide over and drill Hudson wells, but seems reasonable to assume they are getting drilled in the next year.

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