Non payment on Miller well in Love County

This well has been in production for over a year. I have been in touch with the landman several times. The last time we talked was at about July 7. He said they told him that they were trying to get paperwork out by the beginning of July but it didn’t happen. He said maybe by the end of July. I am beginning to wonder…what can be done?

Please give the section, township and range. There are many Miller wells in OK.

There’s only one Miller well in Love county. I don’t have access to paperwork at the moment.

Legal description of Sections 17 and 20, Township 7 South, Range 2 East Love County, Oklahoma, Cause CD No. 201808641, Order No. 691945, I believe XTO completed the well Miller 1-28H20X17X8R. I believe this is the legal description.

This is where my mineral rights are,and have not herd a word,nore have I recieved any sort of payment. It has been over three years since I have herd anything from them? What is really going on,was it a bomb out,nothing found.Guess horizontal did not work our either?

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With XTO/Exxon you have to be patient. Send them a W-9. When they send you your first check most like they will include the statutory interest.

Donna they have been producing on this well (Miller) since July 2022.

Send a demand letter by certified letter return receipt for royalties and interest. Include your W-9.

Donna: Do you have clean title to the minerals you are claiming and if so, is your current contact information properly filed against the lands at the County Clerk’s office? It’s possible XTO doesn’t know who you are or where you are.

I’ll be curious how your interaction with XTO proceeds, my wife and I are in the same boat. Love county, first production on ALMA was May 2022 and still no payments. We did receive a payment on another well, TARA, in love county which was late and they only paid for the oil produced, not the natural gas production and the interest also was not paid. The production we were paid on did not match what the production on the OTC site showed? How do we know what is correct production? Seems like without a team of attorneys they can just play games until someone with more skin in the game decides to spend money to force their hand. Not impressed. Even the revenue support center I received a call back on appeared to be off shore center? Barely understandable english and no help offered other than I’ll check into it.

It will be rare for the gas to match exactly due to a lot of technical reasons. The oil should be fairly close. Make your request for royalties and interest by certified mail return receipt. Keep a copy of everything you send. Are your names and addresses filed with title information in the county courthouse in Love. They cannot pay you if they cannot find you.

Here is an email address that has worked for me:

Be sure to give them as much information about the well & you as possible.

And as we always suggest, send the same via Certified Mail with return receipt.

Thank you @M_Barnes they can definitely find us as they have paid partial on TARA, and conversation with revenue inquiry indicated that they see ALMA well associated with our account. I was trying to be patient and haven’t sent the certified demand letter, but I guess that will be necessary. What do you mean by fairly close on the production count, appears to be off by hundreds of barrels on one month (OTC vs revenue check)? Maybe next revenue check will level up? Also they paid us for oil portion on a couple of months that have not been reported to OTC? Is there a good FAQ that explains how production gets recorded and pushed on to various parties? It’s just seems like a big ‘Trust Me Bro’ system that XTO get’s interest free money for at least 6 months on revenue (even taxes they have held back but not reported)?

XTO isn’t even in Love County. The Miller well kept collapsing.

That well kept collapsing miller well.

XTO isn’t in Love County anymore.

Miller well collapsed nothing going on

XTO has acted ugly to interest owners, in many instances. Their outsourced groups have very poor communication skills in English, the majority of the language their interest owners speak. They are about ready for a large class action lawsuit. I’ll be tightening up my lease provisions for all leases in the future, due to the way XTO and a few other companies have been treating interest owners, they just have to mess with the wrong one. What can I say? At some point people just get tired of being treated as such.

Donna_Simon I would like to know where your information came from regarding this well collapsing and not being in production. I just spoke with someone that works for XTO. I was told that is productive at this time. They are working on the paperwork to get us paid. There is approximately 1000 interest owners on this particular well so it is very time-consuming to prepare the paperwork correctly.

I have ownership in the Mobley lease in Love County W Mobley #01-21H28X33. This well was completed June 8, 2021. First production date the well came in at 144 barrels a day and 123mcf of gas. The first sale of oil was August 2021 according to OTC 2875.92 barrels of oil was sold. OTC continued to show monthly sales through May of 2023 with more than 155,223.26 having been sold. We won’t even get into the gas, but will say it is a very substantial amount. After 2 years of calling, being put on hold, and visiting with people with definite speech disorders, we found that there was supposed title problems, which may have been, but it was much deeper. My holdings are restricted Tribal holdings and RD Williams had let our 3 year lease with a two year option expire, but XTO spudded the well 2020 one year after the lease expired in 2019. This caused many problems. So, in short, XTO has not paid us for over 2 full years of production and are still dragging their heels. Through this chaos XTO did send me a division order in November of 2021, however, the rest of the tribal group did not receive and have not as yet received their division order. XTO is absolutely insolent and almost abusive to callers. You cannot seem to get any answers from them. Also, OTC and OCC really do not seem to have any control over the way XTO does business. I Have done the whole certified registered mail this last June 2022, with absolutely no response. So what does a person do?