North Dakota activity dried up?


Just curious about the Bakken Shale lack of drilling or leasing activity.

Why is nothing happening in this once booming oil metropolis?? Is ANYTHING leasing in the area?

Thank you

I think they are busy drilling infill wells in the Tier 1 area and some Tier 2 areas. They had been “held by production” for years.


What do you mean exactly? The area is restricted from priduction for some time frame?

Looking to lease but seemingly no interest.

Thank u!

You need to be more specific about your “area”. There is quite a bit of activity in the Bakken, but geographically located.


Golden Valley

Range 140N X 105W


Your Golden Valley area is out of the main interest area. Most of the current permits are to the north and east of you in Williams, McKenzie, Mountrail, Dunn, etc. in the Tier 1 and Tier 2 acreage.

This question interested me because I have oil leases in McKenzie county. My monthly payments have gone from $1000+ a month to about $100 a month. So the OP question of ND activity drying up made me think the oil isn’t being produced any more. M_Barnes, what is Tier 1 and Tier 2 acreage? I’d like to know how to figure out if I’m in Tier 1 and 2. Thank you very much for your help!!

You have a combination of normal declining volumes in wells combined with pricing of products. If you have gas, those prices have been much lower this year. Tier 1 is the best acreage, Tier 2 is the second best.

Go the map on page 23. Tier 1 is red, Tier 2 is green. Tier 3 is purple. Page 11 to get your eyes located for your acreage.

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