Oil & gas discussion group for land and mineral rights in North Dakota. Ask questions or share your experiences related to mineral and land rights in North Dakota including law and legal questions, accounting and taxes, regulations, surface use issues, easements, and anything else affecting land and mineral rights in North Dakota.
LYNN HELMS EGC 2013 on youtube is an interesting video. 24- 48 wells per spacing in the core areas? There is also interesting information on the Tyler formation.
My brother and I inherited mineral rights in Bottineau County and Mercer County in North Dakota. I haven’t been able to determine if there is currently drilling in either of these counties. I have the township and section numbers. Can someone please tell me if they either have information on these two counties. And if not, where can I go to find out information on drilling or potential drilling. I am stumped.
I own some working interest in Mountrail, Divide and McKenzie counties, interested in taking offers. Please send me a private message if you are interested in getting details.
Thank you!
Ben Samuels
I am a partic. owner of one well in Williams Cty, Non Partic in 15 others. I am skeptical of the initial costs these NP wells have put forth, especially when there are horizontal wells drilled off of several. Wouldn't those offshoot wells be less expensive? We are 600,000. on our 1st well being paid off, the others are between 6-12 million, which seems too much to me. Anyone know of auditors of initial well expenses? Thanks. Pat Maloney
Pat, you have a good point here. You need to watch to make sure that you are not being double and triple billed for tanks and pipelines.