Notification of Mineral Rights by Antero

My siblings and I have been approached by Antero regarding mineral rights they say we have inherited. My brother signed a lease but my sister and I have not been comfortable signing a contract when we know nothing about leasing mineral rights. They claim we inherited mineral rights of 4.500000 Gross Acres / 0.00794 Net Acres which I am guessing is pretty small. My concern is hiring a lawyer for this would cost a lot of money, and might even be more than it’s worth. I’m sure Antero is aware most people don’t understand their leases and will try to take every advantage they can. In reading the lease documents they sent (unsolicited) I don’t think I like what they expect us to agree to. Antero is getting pretty aggressive to the point of almost being threatening. Has anyone else had experience dealing with this type of thing with this amount of acreage?

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Your brother is the wise one. For that fractional interest, ask for more royalty & take it. Not to be confused with legal advice.

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