Offer for mineral rights sale: Section 18 - 13N-10W Canadian Co. OK

I've had an offer to purchase the above minerals (20 net acres) by Shepherd Royalty LLC for $133,333.40. I have never sold any of my minerals, and am not sure whether it is worthwhile or not......any insight would be helpful

It is hard to say if it is a good offer or not.

My advice is if you are going to sell your rights, you need to market the rights. Don't just take an offer from someone that called you or sent you an offer in the mail.

Hi Alan, we also have minerals in Canadian County Ok (Cana) and this same company offered us a large sum for our 27 net mineral acres. This county seems to be a hot spot for drilling right now, just be sure you want to sell your mineral rights, we did not and we haven't been sorry. Our sections are east of yours (Sec. 7-8 13N9W)closer to Calumet. Looks like your area is south of Geary and I think there is a lot of activity near here, lots of conversation on this forum about drilling in this general vicinity..

Thanks for the feedback....I've never sold minerals and own some adjacent ones that are in production and lucrative. I'm inclined to hold them, so appreciate your response.

In section 13 there is three wells that from 7/12/ to 12/12 show they did 19,356 BO & 426,145 MCF and 5 wells that from 9/12 to 12/12 show 30,213 BO & 661,089 MCF of gas . At $90 for B of oil & $4 MCF on gas if they are getting 3/16 from your interest they would have $2580 of their $6666 investment back I think . Will that happen in 18 ? There are other sections that have several wells

Good information to have....thanks.

Some of the sections in this area are getting 9-10 wells on them. The Woodford is very thick in here. (Check out the Cimarex and Devon investor presentations.) Consider carefully any offers-especially cold call letters that are trolling. Also look the companies up on search engines and ask around to make sure they are reputable. I received a similar letter in February from a company (with a different name) offering really high dollars in that same area. It smelled funny, so I did a search on them and turned out that they were part of a huge scam which had been happening in several states. Better Business Bureau, state senators, lawsuits, etc. -went on for pages about how they cloud title. There are good companies and bad companies out there.

I'm really glad that I've found this site....all of the feedback has been really helpful. After doing my due diligence, I've decided to hold onto the minerals. The company seems reputable enough, but I'm tending to follow my gut and to resist selling property. Thanks for more great feedback. This is now my go to place to get support and information about minerals.

Hi, I’m in a similar situation as you were and was curious if keeping your rights paid off? Trying to make the right choice. Thanks.