Offer to Purchase Mineral Rights

I own mineral rights in Glacier County. The location is Township 32, Range 5 West, MPM, Section 27 NW1/4. I have been contacted by a landman to purchase my minerals at a very low price. I was told that there is no oil/gas activity in the area but the surface owner is putting in a solar farm and wants to own the mineral rights. Does this sound like a scam? Is there any activity in the area?

Section 27-32N-5W has one dry hole. However it is less than two miles away from older wells with production, so the agents “no activity in the area” might need distance parameters put on the statement.

In general, the mineral rights have dominance over the surface rights in most states. The surface owner wants to own the mineral rights so that they would have full control over the surface and minerals and could cover the whole surface with panels without having to leave room for a drilling location. Not necessarily a scam. There is no current activity in the section at this time, but there was leasing back in 2019. You could always ask for more if you wish to sell.

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