What kind of offers have you gotten on your producing and nonproducing minerals in Payne, Logan and Garfield Counties. Who is buying and who is making the best offers. Post $$ amount offered and if the offer is for producing or nonproducing minerals. Please post your experience, this may save some from selling too low.
You can also post current Leasing Bonus rates if you wish.
Sorry, meant to include that. Non-producing at this time; minerals were leased to Calyx/AEW by way of automatic renewal of a 3-year lease which occurred around mid-year. Drilling activity is fairly brisk in the area, but no known drilling applications yet for this section.
My attorney confirmed that Sooner Mineral is paying$5,000/ac in Logan County, and 4K in Payne.
For those who haven't figured this out, Sooner Mineral Investment is working for/or with AEW. They're buying from mineral owners and doing an "Assignment" or "Special Warranty Deed" to American Energy Woodford.