I have been contacted about leasing land I own. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated. Elmer
Hey Elmer,
There is quite a bit of activity in Conecuh County. Depending on how much acreage you're talking about, it's probably worth spending a little money for some professional advice. Most of the time, you can get a better offer than what is presented the first time, because the typical agreement is written to benefit the leasing company. How much more you can get depends on a number of factors. I did a lot of research before I agreed to a lease.
Dan Bush said:
Hey Elmer,
There is quite a bit of activity in Conecuh County. Depending on how much acreage you're talking about, it's probably worth spending a little money for some professional advice. Most of the time, you can get a better offer than what is presented the first time, because the typical agreement is written to benefit the leasing company. How much more you can get depends on a number of factors. I did a lot of research before I agreed to a lease.
Thanks, Dan. I heard today that several people around me have been contacted recently about signing a lease.I havent talked to any of them yet.
elmer andrews said:
Dan Bush said:Hey Elmer,
There is quite a bit of activity in Conecuh County. Depending on how much acreage you're talking about, it's probably worth spending a little money for some professional advice. Most of the time, you can get a better offer than what is presented the first time, because the typical agreement is written to benefit the leasing company. How much more you can get depends on a number of factors. I did a lot of research before I agreed to a lease.
Yes do research, in anything, do research! Read, read read. Drill, drill, drill. More you read the more you know. It even a good idea good doing research over seas on oil prices . Just to ponder on. I did.
Turn it to the right!!! Hope it helped
Hello Jennifer, Thanks for the response. I have nothing new to report as of now. I am kinda pressed for time but I will be back. Thanks again, Elmer
Thanks for the response. Any hints of suggestions greatly appreciated. Elmer Andrews
My father has been contacted by a oil and gas drilling company about leasing his land in Escambia/Conecuh County area. He needs information about what is a fair price to ask for in terms of leasing monthly for the property. We've been doing a lot of reading but we still need some guidance. I've seen some Alabama land owners mention they were getting $150 an acre, 1/5 of the oil/gas extracted and also in some cases signing bonuses. We also want to get the names of a few attorneys who have experience in Mineral Rights leases. We would appreciate the information. Thanks
Hello Dan, I signed a lease a little over a hear ago in Conecuh, Co. Al. They drilled 2 wells less than 2 miles from me and covered them up and planted grass over them. Does this mean the end for them?
elmer andrews said:
Thanks, Dan. I heard today that several people around me have been contacted recently about signing a lease.I havent talked to any of them yet.
elmer andrews said:
Dan Bush said:Hey Elmer,
There is quite a bit of activity in Conecuh County. Depending on how much acreage you're talking about, it's probably worth spending a little money for some professional advice. Most of the time, you can get a better offer than what is presented the first time, because the typical agreement is written to benefit the leasing company. How much more you can get depends on a number of factors. I did a lot of research before I agreed to a lease.
Hey Elmer,
If they covered them with grass, that's probably the end of those wells, most likely dry. But, there is a lot of ground between you and them. That said, you could still see activity in your immediate area.
Just out of curiousity, who did you sign a lease with? My lease in Covington county was with Midroc.
Dan Bush said:
Hey Elmer,
If they covered them with grass, that's probably the end of those wells, most likely dry. But, there is a lot of ground between you and them. That said, you could still see activity in your immediate area.
Just out of curiousity, who did you sign a lease with? My lease in Covington county was with Midroc.
Dan My lease is with Dan Hughes.. I'm at 5N 12E 9S