Oil and gas lease?

Offer from Bridgeport Resources, LLC No bonus. 3 year lease or as long as producing. 1/4 royalties.

We know absolutely nothing about mineral rights, any help appreciated.

Please post the section, township and range. Offers will vary across a county. A good place to start is with the Mineral Help tab above. And get familiar with the Oklahoma Corporation publications for mineral owners.


Section 17-5N-4W McClain County

I cannot comment on the bonus amount as they are not public. Various companies are leasing in the area. Dry Creek Energy, LT Starr Investments, Bridgeport, Northridge, Spartan Valley, Atlantic Energy, Casillas, Shepherd Royalty, Duke Minerals, etc.

Casillas has a pooling case listed 2024-003568 for their Fat Tire wells which have permits and may already be partially finished. Hearing date was supposed to be Dec 9. Did you get the notice as being a respondent? If not, then you need to contact their attorney asap. You can either be leased or pooled, but not both. At this point, I would just answer the pooling if I was eligible. You only have 20 days from the order. I would pick the highest royalty even if they do not offer a bonus.

Anything happening in: Section 07-05N-01W? Section 18-05N-01W? McClain County Oklahoma

LimeRock completed several horizontal wells in section 7.

Production started yet? If so when & where can I locate the information?

The surface location is in 31-6N-1W for three of them. The other is in 7. You can look up the filed forms on the OCC well records site. The completion form is 1002A. https://public.occ.ok.gov/OGCDWellRecords/CustomSearch.aspx?SearchName=OilandGasWellRecordsSearch&dbid=0&repo=OCC

The McPherson MU48 wells. 2HE, 3HE, 4HE. Put 3106N01W in the location box. The well in section 7 is CGA 5N1W 7 1HX Put 0705N01W in the location box. The older wells also show up.

You can find the last 12 months (with a delay) on the OK Tax Site. https://oktap.tax.ok.gov/oktap/web

Type McPherson MU in the lease name box. Then select the Blue PUN numer to get more information. Production History is a tab at the top. Division Orders come out about five months after first sales. Contact Limerock if you think you should be in pay.

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Thank you! I’m CGA 0705N01W 1HX. They stopped production back in July-ish. Limerock said production $ check should have been received 1-2 mos ago. Still nothing, only letter in mail showing 3 orders for wells & showing %. Do u see production on this well or ?

They usually shut in wells within a mile or so of a frack job to protect the production. The well was offline in June, July, Aug, but looks like it is slowly coming back. You will get the most production from the McPherson 2HEX since it is the longest of the three in section 7. May not get much of anything in section 7 from 4 HEX.


Wondering if a new multi-unit horizontal well has been drilled yet by Native Exploration Operating in McClain County: Section 12, Township 7 North, Range 4 West?

It was approved back in March of this year.

Are you asking about the Tecumseh 0704 120103601WXH? The surface location is in sec 13, so you need to watch it from there. The well was spud 9/4/23 and was completed 1/15/24. STR_ERROR_PAGE_TITLE

Tecumseh 0704 12-1-36-2WXH was completed on 1/18/24. STR_ERROR_PAGE_TITLE

If you are a mineral owner in sections 1 and 12 7N-4W or 36-8N-4W and have not received your division order, contact Native.

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Both of the Tecumseh wells are producing. NEO Operating is the operator of both wells.


Martha and TODD, thanks very much–I mistakenly thought there was a new, non-Tecumseh well going in, but apparently not. Good to know both the Tecumseh wells are producing.

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