Oil Drilling Activity in Rusk

I live in WA so I have no idea how things are in TX anymore. Has there been any activity in Rusk County, TX–especially in the James Latham Survey??

Good Morning Cathy…at this time I see no new activity in this area…when asking about the J Latham Survey it is easier to find on the RR Comm. GIS Map if you will ask for J Latham Survey/A-16. Seems as Sabine Oil and Gas, Amplify Energy and XTO are the main operators in this area.



Below is Texas Railroad Commission’s current map of that area with a blue dot at center of the James Latham Survey (Abstract 16). The horizontal well on the west side of the survey is still producing but there doesn’t appear to be any new activity since that well was drilled in 2014. The other horizontal well that was permitted a little east of that first one was never drilled.

In the rest of Rusk County it looks like 11 new wells were permitted in the past year with Sabine Oil that completed several that are 4 or 5 miles east of the Latham survey being the most active driller.

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