Oil lease payments

What amount are people paid to lease one acre north of Scarborough between A street and N Garfield? I think I am being lowballed

Provide the State and County for a better response.

Also add block, abstract and section or city lot.

Midland County, midland tx a1600 block on Shell ave

Need the office State Block number and abstract number, not the street block. See the red abstract numbers and the section numbers.

Somewhere close to here.

A36 or A671 if I am reading this map correctly

Probably 671 since A36 is Midland College and the airport.
Bonus amounts are not public. Maybe someone on the form would be willing to share.

Lease offer (back in late 2022) for a small tract in the E/2 Section 22, Block 39, T1S was $10,000/acre, 1/4 royalty. I think that is in the same area that you are speaking about.