Oil leasing activity near me

Hi there, my sister and I have just inherited mineral rights to 480 acres in T151N, R88W, sections 9 and 15. Currently not leased.

Wondering if anyone nearby has received any lease offers lately, and if so, what are the going rates?


No new leases in 9 or 15 in the last two years. A bundle of state leases wer done by The Triple T back in 2022 at 3/16ths, but bonus amounts are now public.

Got it, thanks for the quick response!

Where can I get more info on those Triple T leases you mentioned?

Even though we don’t plan on selling immediately, we have to establish a value of the rights as of our father’s date of death (for tax purposes), and the those leases might be relevant as comparisons… thanks!

I found them on a subscription site. You might be able to find them on the North Dakota site. Maybe someone from ND has a link. I see a typo above. Bonus amounts are NOT usually public. But if it was a state lease sale, there might be a public posting.

Ok, thanks again for your help!

I have mineral rights in Mountrail County. Clear Water

Township 157 North, Range 90 West, 5th P.M. Section 3: Lot 2 (40.32 NW1⁄4NE1⁄4), S1⁄2NE1⁄4, NW1⁄4SE1⁄4

wondering if anyone know if there has been drilling over there? Looking for any information on this area.


EOG Resources Clearwater 10-03H drilled in 2010. API # 33061009130000 Still producing in the Bakken.

Thank you for the info.

We had a lease in 2010 for 3 years and in 2013 for 3 years and then didn’t hear anything back. Since I am now learning that they have been producing oil on the area we own mineral rights, I am wondering if they would owe us money for the oil. My family and I own 50% and another person owns 50%. He has a lease that they extended in 2011 for the oil. If he is getting paid, I would think we should be too. I tried calling the drilling company and no one has gotten back to me. How can I figure out if they owe us for all those years?

Thanks Michelle

Contact the operator by certified mail return receipt and inquire what you need to do to get into pay status as they may be waiting on some information.