I have received my first 2 checks from Devon for production from 29 19n 1w and am wondering what to make of something on the production statement. Have not been able to talk with anyone from Devon so I wanted to see if anyone else on the forum can shed light on this. The completion report for that well of course lists the BBL/day and MCF/day. Yet both production statements (which cover the first 6 months) list sales of condensate, residue gas, and all plant products....no oil. While I am aware of the similarities/differences between condensate and crude oil, I am wondering if "oil" is actually being produced and just lumped in with it's lighter cousin "condensate" or if I should check to see if there has been an oversight in payment for the oil. Anyone else experiencing this? Any advice/insight welcome.
KDM, Your well in 29-19N-01W is producing water at a rate of 872 BBL/day and the water is reported as BBL/day. They have to get the water off the well before they can produce the oil. When they do start producing the oil you will see "product code" and the word "Oil" listed as that product and so on with gas, etc. Also, Oil is usually reported as BOPD. In addition, they are currently producing from the Mississippian formation and there may be deeper formations in your well that are producible.
Thanks Martha, I knew water is an issue with most of the shale wells but didn't realize it precluded the production of oil...good to know. So on the initial test data 126 BBL Oil did not necessarilly reflect "Oil" but more like what is now being classified as condensate.
Your last statement regarding deeper formations is also something I'm not totally clear on. The permit to drill lists the Miss, Woodford, and Sylvan formations and the depths to the top of each formation. However the completion report states that the true verticle depth of the well should not have penetrated the top of the Woodford much less the top of the Sylvan. Would Devon not have to drill another horizontile to access those formations? Thanks for your help/patience.
Martha McMorries said:
KDM, Your well in 29-19N-01W is producing water at a rate of 872 BBL/day and the water is reported as BBL/day. They have to get the water off the well before they can produce the oil. When they do start producing the oil you will see "product code" and the word "Oil" listed as that product and so on with gas, etc. Also, Oil is usually reported as BOPD. In addition, they are currently producing from the Mississippian formation and there may be deeper formations in your well that are producible.
KDM, Typically they will list all the formations they may encounter and the depths, then drill to the deepest formation and list the producing formations on completion reports. They may have drilled the Peach well as a Horizontal Mississippian because the surface location was in Sec. 19. Whether they drill other wells or deepen an existing well all depends on faulting and thickness of the formations and what 3D seismic shows. Do not rule anything out right now, because they hitting the "sweet spots" right now and will be back for the rest.
KDM, did you know there was a work over rig on the well for 29 19n 1w a week or so ago? For what reason, I have not heard.
Thank you Mike. I didnt knoww that. I am a misplaced Okie living in Tx so I really appreciate the on-site info.
Thanks again Martha. Not to sound greedy as this has been a very unexpected blessing if we dont see another dime, but Peach 1-29 has been somewhat less productive than most other wells in the area. Hope they only missed the sweet spot in sec 29 by a little bit:)
KDM, You should get some oil production once the water is off the Peach 1-29, but some wells will be better producers than others. The wells closer to the east side of the Nemaha uplift over in Logan Co are very good oil and gas producers.
Mike, thanks for the work over rig info. I'm in TX also and can't see what's happening on location.
Was your check what you thought it might be....??
If you mean was it the amount, then No, but I only had initial test data to go by until I got it. If you are asking if I have determined why I have not been getting paid specifically for oil, no again. However, I should be receiving my next statement tomorrow or Monday. Depending on what production codes are listed, I will make another attempt to talk to Devon and see if I can get an explanaition. I'm hoping that what Martha says above is right....if the addition of oil does not take away from net production$$$ overall. Trying to remain thankfull but vigilent.
Bob Clary said:
Was your check what you thought it might be....??
I am with Red Fork, thanks for the feedback, just curious...They have the pooling app to be heard the 19th of November then the Intent to drill record....I have heard it takes 29 days or less from spud to release with the new top rig drills and go to a depth of 14K.....feet.....Thanks...bc
After the pooing hearing it can take several weeks to issue the order ,then you have 20 day after they issue the order to make an election if your named in the order . They can get a permit without the pooling order, they can also spud the well without the pooling order.