Oil royalties and stocks from a insurance company

My dad was getting a monthly oil check plus he had sticks with a insurance company i had filed for guardianship of my mom due to her having Alzheimer’s and a couple family members got a lawyer to keep me from getting it by saying I’m mentally incompetent which I’m far from but i got a lawyer and supposedly o signed something after the family members gave me my dad’s truck and paid my lawyer stating it would not try to get anything else of my dad’s the oil checks we thought we’re going to my dad’s brother and sister come to find out they weren’t they are what i call sitting on a desk stacking up right along with his dividend checks from stocks is there a wAy i can get those checks and get them monthly even if i signed that paper I’m hoping i don’t need a lawyer due to not being able to afford one due to being disabled any advice or help is greatly appreciated thanks in advance.

There are a lot of ‘it depends’ here. You can contact the operator directly and ask to be put in pay on the interest that was attributed to your father. They will likely ask for proof of ownership (will, probate, affidavit of heirship, etc). If you are polite and get a helpful division order analyst, they may tell you what is actually currently happening with the royalties. Starting with the operator is free and may help you know if it is worth it to hire someone to help you.

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