Okfuskee County, OK - Oil & Gas Discussion archives

Oil & gas discussion group for those interested in Okfuskee County, OK. Share your experience regarding lease bonus, royalty rates, drilling activity, and oil & gas news.

New permit to drill issued on 08/16/2012 for Sec. 35-11N-9E.


Thanks for this info. I hadn’t explored the occ site enough to find this kind of information. This site and these kind of links are a great help to us all.

Any lease or purchase offers recently? Would appreciate any info.


I own in 30-10N-12E and was wondering if there has been any leasing activity in the county.

We leased in Sec 5-13N-8E in August. New well Wilson 7A in production by Cornelius Petroleum.

Do you mind telling the terms you were offered?

Just a one year lease, very little offered for bonus.

Sorry, operator is Emerald Oil LLC

Permit To Drill:


Anybody know the status of the Hunton Well on S14-12N-R7E?

We just heard that there is a Pooling hearing for section 23 -10N-11E Sept 30th. it appears they may be reopening a well.

Hey folks I just ran across a old mineral deed in Okfuskee, OK.

Section 29-12N-11E, Section 28-12N-11E, Section 30-12N-11E and

Section 25-12N-11E. I live in Dallas, but Grandfather worked the oil

patch in OK back min his day. any info on what has and is going on in

the area would be appreciated.

Hello All Thanks for sharing all the info. Just received a lease offer from Hacienda Resources - who said they are new - for our interests in Sec 14, 13N, 8E. The offer is not good - $150/acre, 3/16ths and a 3 year extension. I don’t do 3 year extensions anyway but has anyone been pushing or getting 20% royalties? I know we are in other counties. I am going to push for it here and no extra costs for “marketing”. Also the bonus is low. Has anyone seen offers in the $500 to 600 range? Thats what I think it should be. Plus has anyone heard of Hacienda or know the people involved? Thanks for any and all comments.

Any activity in SEC 6-13N-9E?

I am new to forum and I'm interested to know how the lease offer progressed with Hacienda Resources. I am referring to the May 14th post. Today I received an offer with same terms for 13N Township/ 8E Range (I assume they are in Sec 2 or 3 since that is where my holdings are located).

Does anyone know if the Lemuel McCoy lease in 33/12N/9E is still producing or shut-in?

Does anyone know of any activity in the area of 32-12N -7E or 31-12N-7E? Would appreciate anything.

I'm aware of an offer for S24-12N-9E for $150/ac, 3/16, $300/ac, 1/8, $250/ac, 1/6. Does anyone have offers to compare to this?

Has anyone else had a terrible experience with LWB Oil trying to lease them in Okfuskee? My wife's mothers, elderly uncle was very excited that someone wanting to lease AND drill on his minerals. They were supposed to meet for breakfast at the cafe to discuss an oil and gas lease. He waited for 2 hours at the cafe and no one showed up or even called. Getting dressed and ready to go anywhere with only one leg takes him even longer. I dont know the other side of the story but not sure I want to.