I have a mineral deed for Stephens County, OK that lists ownership in Township 1 North, Range 4 West Section 10 SW/4 SE/4, NW/4 NW4, N/2 SW/4 NW/4, SW/4 SW/4. I was approached by a landman wanted to lease my property, but I don’t have any records of the number of acres the ownership includes. How can I find this?
Welcome to the forum.
The easiest way is to ask the landman which parcel or it he wants to lease all parcels and how many net acres he is carrying for you. If he/she doesn’t know, then they have not run the title yet. Is the deed in your name or an ancestor’s?
Does the deed say something like 1/32 interest in x acres?
Actually the deed was conveyed from a trust to the nonprofit organization I work for. The legal document only lists a “schedule” of properties that just lists the property as follows: Township 1 South, Range 4 West . Section 1: N/2 NW/4 SE/4, SE/4 NW/4 SE/4, NE/4 SE/4, E/2 SE/4 SE/4, N/2 NW/4 SE/4, SE/4 NW /4 SE/4 Section 10: NW/4 NW/4 Section 12: E/2, North 17.5 acres of the SE/4 NE/4
The lease offer only listed S10, T01S, R04W. They emailed me asking what the acreage was and when I said that I didn’t know, they said they were not interested.
Make sure that the nonprofit address and description of acres are filed in the county courthouse. Section 10 had a pooling case listed in 2024. Continental planned to drill a well. No order yet. Case 2024-000995. You will need to be ready to answer the pooling in 20 days from the date of the order. Many of us would pick the highest royalty option. Do you already have the earlier mailings of the case? If not, I can attach them.
You have mentioned “1N” & “1S”. “1S” has a little bit of activity. “1N”, not so much.
One other question, how can I find out the acreage owned with only the legal description of Stephens County, OK. Township 1 South, Range 4 West . Section 1: N/2 NW/4 SE/4, SE/4 NW/4 SE/4, NE/4 SE/4, E/2 SE/4 SE/4, N/2 NW/4 SE/4, SE/4 NW /4 SE/4 Section 10: NW/4 NW/4 Section 12: E/2, North 17.5 acres of the SE/4 NE/4. Can I get that information if I go to the County Clerks office? or can I get it online?
Thank you for that information. I received yesterday a notice of Pooling Cause 2025-01006. I didn’t know that I needed to answer anything. Also, yes could you attached the earlier mailings? Finally, I cant thank you enough for your insight. I just discovered this forum recently and have family mineral rights in Stephens and Carter counties. Steve Eason
You may be able to trace backwards using www.okcountyrecords.com using the name of the trust or the folks in it. You may have to hire a landman to do a complete title chain.
The related cases are 2024-000814, 815, 816
2025-001006 (note they have six digits after the year), 001007, 001008, 001009. Pooling hearing is April 8, so keep a sharp eye out.
Look them up using the electronic case filing app on the OCC.
Perhaps two horizontal wells planned Harry Wheeler 4-3-10XHM and Bonds 1-10-3-4XH. Will see what finally happens.
You can probably get close to figuring this out. However, creating a mineral title opinion is a specialized skill requiring training. Even with my legal training I personally shy away from any attempt to do so.
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