I can’t find the latest well data base. I know it changed some years ago. When I go to the old one it won’t bring up the info on the well. Yes I click the magnifying glass thing.
Are you asking about the well data base with the permits, completions, etc.? If you need a map, come back and ask about it separately.
Here is the “old” one. The “really” old one is very cranky, so not showing it.
If you want production for the “last 12 months”, you go to the OTC.
yes please. I went to the old one. I remember you told me years ago that it changed. You used to be able to put in the county like McClain and it would show you a whole lot, old ones, new ones. The all images tab would give you a lot of id # to click on. Where can I find that? The ok tax commission does not have that.
@Sandra_J_McQuade, maybe you are looking or this link? https://wellbrowse.occ.ok.gov/ This link allows you search by county as well as other items. This link still works, but everything may not be updated as it once was.
Thanks Pete for trying. That is the old one and it does not work. You can see wells but not the info anymore. I do not understand why they changed this years ago. Seeing a list of wells doesn’t do anything for me. It’s the forms from the magnifying glass that gave you a ton of info. No access anymore.
Most of the links are broken on the wellbrowse “really” old site. Use the newer ones. If the well is older than about three years, use the “old” one (for as long as it works). The “new” one is for newer wells, although you can pick up old ones. It just takes a lot longer to work and times out on occasion.
Sandra - you might also want to take a look at the Welldatabase website.
We use this tool at our company and find their application to be very user friendly for OK Wells and also other States. They have a free “lite” subscription so no obligation unless you upgrade to one of their paid levels.
You can check the OCC well data finder map you can find information on the wells like first production the rock formations and more
Welldatabase - for the free version, click the Get started now button and there will be a free option in tiny print. Set up a login and you can get started. I like it better for finding the well path. The OCC map limited information.
Here is an example-
You can see the decline curve of a well over time and you can download the production.
@Sandra_J_McQuade, you might only need to enable “pop-ups” or some similar setting to get the “really old” wellbrowse to work. It still works for me, but I am really old and so is my computer. The last official note I saw said that the old well browser would be kept running, but that the links to permits and documents wouldn’t work for newer wells. I hope that it is kept alive since it is fairly simple and fast to find a well with limited information, as you might get from a bare bones pay statement. Also some versions let you export to spreadsheet which is almost always a pay extra option nowadays.
Thanks but nothing works. I did free version but I have no idea how to navigate that site. So I guess its a done deal. Never can I look up wells in different counties. the original one was the best and it doesn’t work no matter how old or new a well is. Therefore I’ll never be able to see all those images on past wells, vertical old wells, spacing, etc. etc. I was trying to help my stepsister out in Oklahoma for some Comanche interests I found she has.
Are you on laptop or an smaller device? Are you updated on software? Have you cleared your history? PC or MAC? Both should work.
Which Free Version are you referring to?
Thanks everyone for trying to help me out. I found in my bookmarks a occ imaging, hadn’t looked at that in long time. And to my surprise its just what I needed. Not quite like the old site. But I can view old forms and wells from way back. Found old Soper wells for my steps in Oklahoma.Still miss the well data base from the OCC site that would show the three people on the site.
Good morning, Sandra. I work at WellDatabase and would be happy to help you learn to navigate the site.
Very nice informative post!
By chance - could you do similar one on how to look up Pooling Notices and Pooling Orders by Section, Township, Range?
Love your postings!
The ones since 3/21/22 are easier to find. If you need an older one, come back with the section, township and range. I have a backdoor way to find them.
if you know the well name, you can frequently find the old cases on the completion. Here is an example.
Nice two slides on ECF 3/21/22 & on…
The OCC ECF (Oklahoma Corporation Commission - Electronic Filing) looks interesting but harder to wade through - is there a way to narrow down search by PLSS? Example: looking w/o success for pooling app by Mewbourne Oil Company in 19-15N-19W, Custer County, OK.
The case is 2024-003583. New hearing date is 1/6/25. No orders yet.
Thomas, try this link Case Processing Online