Oil & gas discussion group for those interested in Okmulgee County, OK. Share your experience regarding lease bonus, royalty rates, drilling activity, and oil & gas news.
Hi John, Kind of lonely here. I joined your group to learn anything about Okmulgee Co. & T15 R11 Sec. 13. My great grandfather, Lovell, grandparents, Benjamin & Alice Robertson, Father & Mother Ben L. Robertson & Eleanor, all purchased mineral rights in various CO. in OK. Starting prior to 1920 and ending in the 50's. Maybe 100 small parcels of a few acres each. In the next year I will be sorting these properties out. In the mean time thanks for starting this and group & I will be listening.
Does anyone know a landman or a oil and gas attorney near Okmulgee to investigate ownership of minerals in 16-11N-12E by a J,H Lincoln, now held by the Okla. State Treasurers office. Need to prove this is my grandfather so my sister and I can retrieve the mineral rights some held over 20 years. We have provided state with will, probate etc. they still want better proof.
In ND I have called the county recorder and asked for a recommendation. Each time the Recorders Office has made several suggestions.
We have received an offer of $77 per acre for interest in Section 31, T15N-R11E, Okmulgee County. Can anyone advise as to current bonus rates in that area? Thanks in advance.
I have entered the incorrect Sections above. I am interested in any activity in Sections 13 and 21 in Okmulgee County. Disregard discussion above.
Richard had asked 'Does anyone know a landman or a oil and gas attorney near Okmulgee to investigate ownership of minerals in 16-11N-12E by a J,H Lincoln, now held by the Okla. State Treasurers office. Need to prove this is my grandfather so my sister and I can retrieve the mineral rights some held over 20 years. We have provided state with will, probate etc. they still want better proof."
Richard -some years ago in another county up around Marlow , a company started drilling with getting all mineral owners signed up. They had over looked some because a Rail Road right of way was deeded back to my grand mother - they were down over 9500 feet before they realized this.
I, went to the Corporation Commission in Oklahoma city with my paper work and got to visit with the then Commissioner. I, had no appointment . Just showed up and she was MOST HELPFUL !!!!!
How about going to OKC and see what they can do or tell you to do ?
John Morgan and Richard
I am in Okmulgee nearly every week; the next time I am there; I will see what I saw about ownership of S 16 T 11N R 11E BY J H LINCOLN, This property is located west of Henryetta near Interstate I 40. I am not understanding the phrase “ now held by the OK State Treasurer’s Office”.
I can give some insight into how to get info to each county government to recognize your holdings.
But you may not want to do what I did. I probated both my great grandparents wills and my grandparents wills in the county that I was getting all the paperwork done. YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF. You do not need an attorney to do this.
You must do all the leg work yourself. It mainly involves getting all the wills and filing them with the probate court. If you get lucky as I did, the probate judge was very nice and told me which forms I had to file and in what order. It took me almost a year to get it all done, filed, signed by my parents, and that filed with the probate judge as well.
I now have joint tenant mineral deeds in my parents and my sister and myself. That way, when my parents die, there is literally no inheritance, we are already listed as owners.
It's not hard, but it does require you to do your own work. BE NICE to the people on the other end of the phone and explain what you are trying to do. Everyone has been very nice when I start out with, "I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm trying to do such and such" and then ask them, "what do you suggest".
At that point, every one of them has been helpful. From saying, "oh that's not this office, you need to speak to Nancy (or what ever person) in this department" and then transferred me to 'Nancy' and I started asking the same question over again.
Honestly, just be humble and ask for help. Most of these people answer the phone and get rude people with an attitude on the other end. DON'T BE THAT PERSON. Be the nice person who asks for THEIR OPINION. Rare is the day they get asked for THEIR opinion.
just my .02
My name is Troy Curtis, a landman, with Concho Land Company in Freedom, OK as well as Oklahoma City. I thought while times are slower, I would offer to help with any questions people may have in general and post my email, conchojobs@gmail.com for any and all questions. I also wanted to offer our services for individuals in need of mineral research or help with production related concerns in all Oklahoma Counties and the surrounding states.
30-12N-13E 28-12N-13E
Just received a lease offer from Unoco for these two sections, $125/A, 3/16, 3 yr plus 3 yr option. Does anyone know what the going rate is? Would greatly appreciate any information. Thank you!
Jo Anne, I have been in Okfuskee doing work about 8 miles south and west of this and the offers I have seen are in that same ballpark. Everyone is pushing the 3 + 3 right now and sighting prices as the reason. With a multi section deal and depending on the acreage, I think you would have some negotiating power since there is some activity in and around your location.
Thank you so much Troy. Do you think $150 & 20% would fly?
Jo Anne, always ask. I would try to get rid of the 3 year extension and make sure lease language is favorable and then offer $150 and 20% and negotiate from there. I doubt they will take that right away because of the conditions of the market.
Sec. 31-13N-12E. I've recently taken over handling my mom's minerals. I received an offer for $125 3/16 for 3 yrs + 3 yr extension. This seems pretty low and there seems to be some activity starting in this county. We never accept extensions but the companies always try to slip them in. Is $125 the going rate for Okmulgee County?
ihave a lease offer for okmulgee county. bonus per net acre is $125.00 and they want 3 years with a 3 year option. royalty is 3/16th. hoping to remove the 3 year option and bump up the net acre to at least $150.00. is there anything to watch out for in a lease offer contract? i have never done this before. worried about how they leave the land, water, etc.
i forgot to say that this is 33-12n-13e. there are several of us tht own this and have been told that they only need approx. 51 % +mol, of owners to agree and then they can get started. that if we don't sign we won't get the bonus.
Anyone have any recommendations on leasing to Magnolia Resources?
My sister and I own mineral interests in 3-12N-12E and 17-13N-13E. We have been offered $900 per acre to buy these interests by Gulf Star Royalty Co, and they want 60 days to back out, after we sign the deed. Do these terms seem reasonable? Has anyone else done business with Gulf Star Royalty?
If they think your property is worth buying at 900.00 per acre, what is it really worth? I wouldn't pay you 900.00 per acre unless I was willing to bet I could make a handsome profit. Do the terms seem reasonable? Selling your rights doesn't seem reasonable in my humble opinion.