One OK Sterling III Pipeline Easement

Does someone know what is the current status on the construction of the One OK Sterling Pipeline? I was contacted back in June 2012 by their right-of-way agent with their first offer which was quite minimal but have not heard from them since. We understood that they would come back with a new agreement and offer but that hasn't happen. If you have information or have settled with them, please share it. I have rural property in Collin County, Texas.

Was a survey done on your property?

I am not aware of construction being commenced as of yet. They are still acquiring rights of way.

Thanks for the reply. Yes, there was a survey done. I was told that the construction would begin in September 2012. Would you update this post if you hear anything; it's appreciated.

Dear James,

Have you already signed a right of way? If so, did it have a drop dead date to commence operations on your property?

No, I don't believe we did. The document we signed only allowed for a survey. Is there something more we should look for?