Order Dismissing Cause by the OCC - what does it mean

I received in the mail an Order Dismissing Cause. Order Number 74652. Cause CD No. 2022-003497. It found “…the well authorized by the Interim Order has not been drilled and will not be drilled under the terms of the Interim Order; therefore, the relief requested is not necessary.” Under Relief Sought it says Multiunit Horizontal Wel Does that mean they are calling the whole thing off?

Calling it off for now. Time will tell if they come back again.
They had planned to drill the Ollivander 19-18XHW. Continental has plenty to do nearby, so sometimes it just takes a while to get wells drilled in a timely fashion.

Under the current natural gas prices, a well drilled here would not be profitable.

I also had a cause dismissal back in June 30, 2020 for Kingfisher County, Sec 14, 18 North, 6 West where I have mineral property Cause 201810111 Order 713040. It just said “The evidence showed that BCE-Mach III LLC did not intend to pursue the relieve requested at this time”. The filing was November 29, 2018 for a 640 acre drilling and spacing unit (Mississipian (less Chester), Woodford and Hunton common source of supply.

I’m not sure the reason for the dismissal, but I wonder if it was because of the unknown factor of the outcome of the soon to be presidential election, the source of supply being a regional decision or something to do with Oklahoma Energy Acquisitions, LP, the company who filed. I guess I’ll never know. I called the attorney’s office and all they did was confirm the dismissal with no further explanation. Oh well, I guess it could be something for future consideration.

I’m not going to worry about it, but I don’t need to sell my mineral rights, and if I expire before anything happens, it’ll be passed on to family and they can deal with it. Although, I will strongly suggest they never sell. Who knows what technology will bring in the future, with the rapid advances being made these day. Or, as crazy as things are these days, who knows if anyone will be around…LOL!

Thanks for taking the time to reply. Appreciate you.

Hard to predict when things change every day? I appreciate your help.

I have noticed quite a few dismissals this year due to low gas prices. They may come back and file again when they go back up enough to make the wells economic. Just depends. The operators are going to drill the best wells first!

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