I received a letter regarding Section 28 Township 4 North, Range 14 East Cause CD NO. 2023-003345 also some Companion Cause CD Nos. ending in 3346,3347,3348. Look like it has to do with 4 horizontal spacing. Common Sources of Supply. Mississippian Woodford Hunter Sylvan My Father was a Landman I hold a Mineral Deed on file from my Mothers family. it looks like the Applicant is Blackbeard Operation, LLC and Bravo Aroma, LLC. Can someone help with what might be going on with this?
I find it useful to put the cases in numerical order and then read them as they give the history for what is happening. First, they have to space the reservoirs of interest. Order 747024 (Case 2023-00345) tells in zones of interest in Part 9b. 640 spacing for the Miss, Woodford, Hunton and Sylvan. Section 28-4N-14E.
Order 747025 (case 2023-003346) does the same for section 33 to the south. This implies that a multi unit horizontal well is pending.
That thought is confirmed by the pending case 2023-00347 for the Chain Shot 2-33/28H well planned for sections 33 and 28. Usually the surface location is in the section mentioned first in the name, but not always.
Case 2023-003348 is the location exception case which moves the location from the center of the section to slightly west. See the map below.
Not sure if this will be drilled a this is 2025 and the multiunit case has no order yet. Gas prices dropped in early 2024 and just recently recovering. Time will tell as to whether this will be drilled. No current permit. The case order is usually posted before a permit is filed.