Original Lease for an Overriding Royalty Interest

Hi All,

We inherited some mineral rights a while back based upon overriding royalty interests in Williams County, ND (Section 31 - maybe also 32, Township 154, Range 102W). However, the leases that the interest is based upon were from the mid-1990’s. I don’t have the leases. I realize is it unlikely that the leases are still active and that our overriding interest would is probably not in effect anymore (if I understand overriding royalties correctly - which I may not). There are some new wells being drilled (apparently, wells were not drilled at the time of the 1990’s generated leases). So, while a longshot, I thought I would ask the knowledgeable people on this forum if I should look into this in any greater depth or is it likely no longer relevant.

Thank you, as always!

Contact Devon Energy and see if you have any royalties from the Martin 32-31 1H well. It was drilled in 2011. Grayson Mill Operating may have been the previous operator and they may have bought it from someone else. Depending upon when you inherited, you may have to ask under your ancestor’s name.

The old leases that controlled the ORRI may have expired.