Good Afternoon, Forum, Anyone have input as to Ovintiv’s proposed Multiunit Horizontal, sections 29,32 8N 4W and section 5, 7N 4W? This prospect appears to be eastern fringe of Scoop or Stack “fairway” & I’m wondering how best to deal with operator. EOG has a well immediately west that, while productive, is well short of a large producer and has a relatively steep decline. I’ve also experienced operators whose MO is to make their money from WI billings rather than actual production revenue streams. No criticism here, just inquiring if anyone has knowledge of area or operator. Any input appreciated.
How to deal with the operator meaning what? They proposed a multi unit horizontal, it appears they plan on drilling a well. What exactly is your question re: dealing with the operator?
Ovintiv is an experienced operator. They have the Helmerich & Payne Rug H&P 538 onsite and drilling as of 10/21/24. Wherrell 0804 2H-29XX well.
Exactly right joe. There is no way water wells ever pay out. It’s a new dominion completion technique that depends on massive injection and recovery. Not for the working interest holder
It appears that H&P has had this rig onsite since Sept. The third well, WHERRELL 0804 2H-29XXR, was spud Nov. 19. What is a typical drill time? And then, what has been a typical delay for completion?
The whole thing is marginal. This craziness will stop now with lower oil prices.
Typically, the operator will drill all of the wells first and then come back with a zipper frac to save time and money. The timing of the frac depends upon availability of crews, strategy of the operator on their DUC timing versus economic market conditions. (DUC-Drilled Uncompleted.)
East side of mcclain county is where royalties come to die. It’s just not here. Keep trying. East of i35
Ovintiv can be difficult to deal with at times, but they are experienced in this area. Since a significant CAPEX is allocated to the Permian and Motney, then commitment to drill in the Scoop/Stack tend to indicate Ovintiv has high-graded the project. They have some recent proposals for a Deese horizontal test which could prove interesting for this area in combination with the Woodford and Mississipian.
I’ll bet finance and accounting cringe every time they drill one of these masterpieces
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