Ownership Laws pertaining to Judgements


My Mother passed in 2006, clearly leaving in her will Mineral Property, in equal shares, to myself and her other 2 children. There has been ongoing dispute regarding the estate, which was probated in Harris County, TX. Ultimately, a final judgment was filed against me by the estate in the probate court, which I am currently contesting/appealing. In the interim, a Lis Pendens has been filed in a few of the counties where I have inherited Mineral Property.

My questions are:

1. Can my inherited Mineral Property or Royalties be seized/forfeited/levied?

2. Does the Lis Pendens affect the sale or transfer of my Mineral Property?

Many Thanks in Advance,

R. Weedn Overton

Not enough information here. Was the judgment for money or determiing ownership? Did you post a bond while you appeal? A lot of variables in this situation.