Thx for the info. I’m so IGNORANT when it comes to reading the monthly detail statements (especially Devon’s). They made errors interest 1099 just received (& this is supposed to be CORRECTED). Help!
Darn auto correct. Meant “errors in the 1099”
I'm sure they show that they paid you more than they actually did. Take the 1099 to your accountant/CPA with a copy of the checks or statements that came with your check from Devon. Report this to the IRS or have your CPA report them. I'll bet you're not the only 1 in Panola County being done the same way by 'Deceitful Devon'. If they will do you that way on your 1099 how do you know that they are not cheating you on you share of Royalty Monies each month?????? It might be advisable to invest the help of a oil/gas minerals manager or oil/gas lawyer. Oil/gas lawyer like Wade Caldwell(MRF Member)could probably help you.
Clint Liles
I just noticed that Wade Caldwell is a member of the Panola County Group. Friend him and send him a PM(Personal Message).
Clint Liles