Pooling orders on well in production

We discovered on the unclaimed property fund that my late grandmother had royalties from QEP. Upon inquiry I was told the royalties derived fom the Niles 1-9 which is still producing. How do I find the pooling order for that well?

Questar drilled it in 2009. 10-11N-10W

Pooling CD 200802695 Orders 554248 May 19, 2008


If she was pooled, you would have a bonus from the pooling and then royalties separately.

It is pooling order 554248:


The pooling order is also listed on the unclaimed property web site.

The unclaimed property was deposited in the Texas unclaimed fund which has no reference numbers but the QEP company office in Austin told me it was for this well. Perhaps that was a mistake or there is another pooling order associated with this well because my grandmother is not listed on this pooling order. Any other ideas? By the way, how do you find the pooling orders on wells? Thank you for your assistance. I am learning a lot from this web site but I have a long ways to go.

What was your grandmother's name? She may have been leased and not pooled, so that is why her name is not on the pooling order. I may be able to find her another way. Do you have any of her old records or probate documents?

Not all wells have pooling orders. Wonder why they put it in Texas…it should have been in OK.

http://imaging.occeweb.com/imaging/OGWellRecords.aspx This is where you can type in the location of the well or the well name and work your way backwards to see permits, pooling orders, spacing, etc. It is on the Oklahoma Corporation Commission website.

My grandmothers name was Vera Allen Rankin. She died in 1983. I was told by someone else on this forum that she was pooled as was mother (Nancy Rankin Cole). We have no records except a list Dad kept of her mineral properties and the check stubs we have received from some of the wells that are still paying (very old wells). Her will was not probated. I do not know how Dad got some of the wells/minerals recorded to mother when GM died unless he sent letters to the well operators that he knew about. Mother's will was only probated in TX but was sent to each county in OK and was recorded. Dad's will was probated in both states and has been filed in each county. We have pretty much decided that we need to probate both her will and mothers.

I will see if those names are on the spacing orders for the well. It usually lists all the owners where the pooling orders only list the unleased owners. (Well, tried that and it didn't work.) Do you have any other well names? Do you have a description of one of the properties? Trying to find their names. Are any of the checks to your dad in his name?

You probably will have to probate everything to get it straight.

Also, I just read this morning that QEP is going to put their CanaWoodford properties on the market in mid February, so Canadian county is in that area. It would be good to get your records in good order and get this cleared up. When giant packets are sold like this, unclaimed funds can sometimes fall through the cracks due to lack of continuity and knowledge of whom to talk to.

I spoke to QEP and have asked if there was more than one pooling order. They will check and call back. If not, Could it be they took over from another operator who had a lease? We have not received any checks from QEP and they tell me there are more funds in suspense under her name. He also explained that for owners in Texas they sometimes send unclaimed funds to Texas. He alsorecommended that we go ahead and do probate rather than do two AOHs, one on GM and one on mother as more than one AOH on file will be problematic in the future. Guess it could all be a mistake. It gets more complicated by the minute!

Sounds like a good idea to do the probate. More and more companies will not go by the AOH. QEP could have taken over from someone else. Do you know if you inherited acreage in more places than this section township and range? I have tried searching on both Rankin and Rankin Cole and don't pick up any Grantees with those names.

Yes, she inherited minerals in 13 counties from John L Allen in 1976. Canadian 20-11n-10w and 29-11n-10w are the other two sections we know about but our list appears to be incomplete. Thank you for your time and effort.