
We are needing some advice from a Probate lawyer, and are more than likely looking to hire one. A "long lost" cousin of my husband has hired a probate lawyer, but there is some descrepency among the contracts. There is suddenly a half sister that has shown up out of no where and has never been named on any of the contracts or letters written from the heirs. The lawyer will only deal with this cousin, other than getting paid, and the cousin doesnt want to show any proof. So we are looking to hire our own lawyer to do some digging. Any suggestions??

did you contact lawyer Jim Maxson in Minot?

I wouldn't pay a dime to the other lawyer if I were not co-representative and privvy to everything. If the lawyer isn't paid he will dry up and blow away, If you signed an agreement that you are responsible for paying the long lost cousins lawyer, then revoke it and fire him, then your lawyer can complete the probate. In my experience, in situations like this waiting is not in your best interest. I would act as soon as possible.