Production around Mulhall/Orlando area?

Does anyone know how wells are producing near these two towns?

Have a very fractional interest in Section28, Township 19, range 2 west

Thank you

Not a lot of completed horizontal wells. But Devon was to have Pooling hearings on 10/22/12 on sections 19,20,21,22,27,29,30 and started the paper work to file poolings on 17,18, and 28 the last time I checked. I will try to update when I can.

Thank you for the reply Ron.

Any new news on Mulhall Orlando area?

There is a lot going on around Mulhall & Orlando. Where is your interest ?

Are they going to be moving south anytime soon? I know they are getting ready to put one up on the blacktop road south of Mulhall on the west side of the railroad tracks.

I need a section or sections .

33 18 2w

Section28, Township 19, range 2 west

Thank you,


Ron McKenzie said:

There is a lot going on around Mulhall & Orlando. Where is your interest ?

Joe They have the pooling order for 28 dated 1/8/13 but no permit to drill has been issued yet. You were the only Carmichael that I found a lease for. There were some others named in the pooling. 19n-2w looks like it is going to be very active this year.

Tricia Devon is filing the paper work for several wells in the northern part of 18n-2w . So far not much around 33 yet .

Ron, thank you very much sir. Glad to hear 19n-2w is going to be active this year. Also very glad Oklahoma is enjoying a renewed effort to find new energy sources, both for Oklahoma and the Nation!

Stamp out OPEC, wouldn't that be great.

Ron McKenzie said:

Joe They have the pooling order for 28 dated 1/8/13 but no permit to drill has been issued yet. You were the only Carmichael that I found a lease for. There were some others named in the pooling. 19n-2w looks like it is going to be very active this year.

Any further drilling activity in Section 28, Township 19, Range 2 west?

Joe Devon is drilling wells under sections 20,21,28,29 from a location in 20. The well for 28 was started on 2/27/12 . The permit for 28 was issued 11/8/12 ,but I did not think to look in 20 the last time I looked . Sorry about that.

Ron, thank you for the reply and information. You are awesome!

Thanks Ron! Have you heard anything new down here close to 33? Will they be moving this way anytime soon?

Tricia T.S. Dudley has a spacing and a location exception for 33 but has not filed for a pooling yet . Devon is active all around 33.

Tricia When I look under production info. it looks like Devon has a well in 33. I have to do some more looking and I'll get back to you.

Tricia Devon completed the Johnston 1-33H on 33-19n-2w on Dec.8,2011 and it tested 285 BOD & 242 MCF. From Dec.2011 to Dec. 2012 it produced 21,443 BO & 312,304 MCF of gas. I never found a pooling order.

Oh sorry Ron, it is in 33-18N-2W