Where can I find current production numbers for Ward County oil wells? Thanks Rustic
There are a couple of places, although by “current” the data is really two to three months behind. There is the RRC map https://gis.rrc.texas.gov/gisviewer/ Or there is the CONG site https://mycpa.cpa.state.tx.us/cong/loginForward.do?phase=check On the RRC site you can find your wells by API number, specify wells information in the top information menu, and then click on the well of interest to get a link to the production data.
Thanks, I would like to use the RRC map for this but do not find the following: “specify wells information in the top information menu” Please clarify. Rustic
Found it. A little bit buried eh?
Yes, once you realize how it works, it isn’t too bad.
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