Production of wells

We recently had a couple of horizontal wells drilled on our section in Oklahoma. I started charting the production numbers from the Oklahoma Tax Commission site. The production numbers on my monthly statement from the oil company, tracked now for six months, have consistently run about 20% less than the numbers on OTC’s site. Is this normal? That 20% adds up to a sizeable amount of money.

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@Chuck70, in my experience the oil amounts reported to the OTC correspond fairly well to what is reported on the royalty statements. Natural gas amounts on the other hand may not agree as well. Sometimes OTC gas totals may include items that are reported separately on the royalty statement like plant products or condensate. As you noted in another post, you received several corrections on later statements, and these corrections may bring your totals into better agreement. You can also contact your operator to ask why there is a difference.

As Pete says, gas numbers are often different due to uses and losses.

As for oil, remember that the reported production is what was produced into the tanks, not necessarily what was sold in that month. Typically, oil is only sold when there is a full truckload available to sell, so some produced oil will remain unsold at the end of the month. Over time this should all even out.

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Can you explain this a little further?

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