Property location

Hello all. So I recently inherited land in WV. Antero resources is the company. I knew nothing about this inheritance. Anyways I’m trying to find the address for the specific property. They gave me a property # 12729.1 I cannot find any info on where this is.

That is their internal code number. Contact whomever sent you the letter and ask them for the exact description by county and township.

Antero usually provides the tax map and parcel number in the paperwork, usually in the Offer Letter, but also often in the description of the leased property, which is on the first page of the lease, usually in paragraph 1. You’re looking for something like this: 3-7-1. The 3 would be the tax district, the 7 would be the tax map, and the 1 would be the parcel. Surprisingly often, the parcel is “p/o 1”, and the p/o means “part of”. In other words, the surface tract is part of parcel one, but not all of parcel one. It’s weird. Anyways, with the tax map and parcel number, you can go to WV Property Viewer, put the data in, and get the location of the property.


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