Property Owner

How do I found out who is paying property taxes on Ned Garrett Survey A-125 and J. M. Fitzgerald Survey A-338 in San Augustine, Texas? Or, the current owner of this property?

Below is a link to the San Augustine County Appraisal District. You’ll need to figure out how to search by legal description using those survey names. Since there are several different Garrett and Fitzgerald surveys you’ll need to go through the names that come up to see if they are in the abstract numbers you are interested in.

It looks like the current largest surface owners in the Garrett A-125 are Edna Hancock and Roger Johnson, and in the Fitzgerald A-338 John Sutton or Sutton Ltd.

Dusty1, thanks again for your help. I was trying to get information on the San Augustine.US.TX web site, and apparently at the wrong web site.